Find Your Calm

I integrate a variety of evidence based, results oriented practices that facilitate profound inner healing and growth. Expressive Arts, Jungian Depth Oriented Concepts, Neuroscience, Intuitive Process Art, Active Imagination and Free Association Writing. I also offer e-courses and workshops online, as well as in person. I usually implement Sound Healing into my individual sessions with clients. No two therapies are the same, it is all dependent on what the needs are at the time. We are multifaceted beings, ever changing, ever growing. Sometimes we need Guided Meditation and Breathwork, sometimes we need to go wild with a paintbrush! These practices allow us to release all that has been aching, hidden deep within us. They also allow us a space to be nurtured.  Somatic Practices, Creative Visualization, Intuitive Art Process, some form of Body Work like Therapeutic Massage, Fully Customizable Facials, Reiki Energy Work, and Sound healing.  These profound tools enable us is to dig deep down, to the original source of pain, and work outward from there. Many of us have trauma and inner child wounds that we have neglected. Which lead to unexplained triggers, patterns and reactions that are unhealthy and can lead to many unwanted consequences. The methods I implement not only allow us to safely explore the vast inner landscape of the psyche, but also integrate and nurture the fractured parts of ourselves.